cake stand steal

Cake stands are a classic kitchen accessory, and it's not hard to see why.  Their practicality aside, so many of them are incredibly beautiful, and small groups of them displayed together can have great sculptural impact.  My cake stand collection is modest (for now...) but improved significantly last week. I was in downtown Halifax for a mother-daughter lunch date, and on my way home, stopped into Urban Cottage Antiques and Collectibles for a quick look around.  Urban Cottage is a fantastically eclectic store - I always find great treasures there - and this time was no different:
A beautiful vintage domed glass stand with a fluted base... and with no scratches or chips.  And its price had just been reduced to $18.  With a too-good-to-be-true price, it was quickly purchased.  It was shortly after leaving the store and starting the long walk home that I realised it weighed a tonne. It was so heavy that I contemplated ditching it at the Public Gardens, but my arms had already gone completely numb, so I figured I should keep on going.  And I'm glad I did... because I LOVE it!  

And I'm also secretly glad it wasn't that dream pair of chairs I've been hunting for... there are enough places to sit at the Gardens already. 


  1. I love this cake stand! Why don't I see these kind of things when I go into antique and curiosity shops?! The only thing missing is a cake!

    1. Stay tuned! Between the cake stand and the new KitchenAid mixer that just arrived, it won't likely be cake-less for long ;)


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