Mullions No More...

As far as older houses go, ours was pretty conservatively decorated.  In spite of being mid-century construction, nothing about the house exactly screamed "I'm 60 years old!" the way wallpaper, tile, indoor planter boxes and questionable brickwork can.  For us, the challenge has been toning down some aspects of character (like all that wood trim) and adding it in other places.  Overall, the look we're striving for is a light and fresh version of contemporary that respects the age and inherent vibe of the house.  One thing that really had to go: the mullions in all the backyard-facing windows!  The mullions (those white vertical and horizontal grills that divide up a pane of glass) were clipped in between the two window panes and were relatively easy to remove.  And removing them made such a difference!  Instantly less country-meets-1958 and much more clean.  Cost for this improvement? Zero dollars and 10 minutes!
Oh, and I was wrong.  There are actually two things here that needed to go (I'm talking about you, scroll trim!)


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